
The control of subjectivity in architectural design-based research: the problem of style

Castelló Fos, Sergio

Department of Architectonic Projects, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain



The search of a proper paradigm for a sound architectural research always halts in its dealing with aesthetic factors and their inherent subjectivity, which ends splitting the field in technical research (not spoiled by aesthetics) and historiography (where artistic facets are subsumed through historical interpretation).

We guess at least three possible scenarios that could link both researching poles:

-Aesthetics as a surplus value. This stance denies aesthetic demands. A new-brand objectivity for architectural realm in which if -after solving the functional and technical demands of a problem- some beauty still remains, we welcome it, but it's not our goal.

-Stylistic consciousness. Means the concretion a priori of the style in which investigation is carried. However, any approach towards an eventual horizon of a zero-degree architecture appears to be useful for the case.

-A technocratic holistic approach: implies a full objectivity and parametrization of every aspect in a project design, including functionality, technique and aesthetics, because from the point of view of its partisans everything can be rationalized.

The purpose of this paper is to discuss these approaches in an attempt to provide a way of linking hard-nosed research with hard-headed aesthetics, hinting a practical escape route from that disjunctive: the use of very well defined and confined case-study research.


Keywords: style; architecture; design-based; research.