
Historical and constructive analysis of “Los Santos Juanes” church in Valencia.

Molines Cano, Jose Miguela; Almerich Chulià, A.I.b

aDepartment of History, Geography and Art, University Jaume I, Spain; Department of Continuous Medium Mechanics and Theory of Structures, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain bDepartment of Continuous Medium Mechanics and Theory of Structures, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain



“Los Santos Juanes” Church is one of the most important religious monuments of Valencia. Erected after the reconquest on the foundations of the Boatella mosque, it is part of a group of churches, which after the Christian siege were configured in a similar way called parochial type. With a hidden gothic structure, the temple shows his baroque majesty, especially in the interior, besides countless vestiges of a past that define its current configuration.

This work aims to discern the specific case of this church, structurally included in a gothic typology called "Mediterranean Gothic". The interest of this constructive typology is due to the contrast of the Mediterranean Gothic temples with their contemporaries from the rest of Europe, characterized by its structural lightness.

But also aims to analyze the scope that have had some of the historical passages that occurred in the city of Valencia in the church. Specifically, it is intended to study the transcendence of the Muslim presence and the Reconquista in the temple, and the consequences that these events have had on the current configuration of the building.


Keywords: Mediterranean Gothic; Constructive analysis; Heritage; Parrochial type