
The roman baths of mura in Llíria (Valencia). Study applied to thermal functionality of the roman thermal complex

Tormo, Santiago



Roman construction has become a reference of all ages for the grandeur, beauty, resistance, proportion, functionality, ingenuity, and many qualifications that put it ahead of many civilizations as an example of perfect architecture. The functionality of all its constructions is among the most remarkable concepts. Vitruvio already enumerated "utilitas" among his three principles, a very clear concept focused on joining together with beauty and resistance, the fundamental concepts of architecture. The most advanced concepts in thermal and hydraulic engineering are applied in these buildings in order to develop one of the most complete architectural programs in terms of technique, composition and resistance in the same building. There are many factors that influence the correct functioning of a bath and that is why today's technology can be applied to simulate the protocols established over 2000 years ago and demonstrate the great physical knowledge that was had in the use of water, fire, air and construction. The Roman baths of Mura, located in the Roman city of Edeta (Llíria), together with the neighboring oracular sanctuary and various dependencies such as taverns, hospices and shops, are one of the most interesting examples of the thermal architecture of Hispania Citerior. These thermal baths would be part of one of the thermal complexes where water and fire would be used with great dexterity, developing a space with a double spa with porticoed fore following the Pompeian models. This paper compiles the knowledge of the Roman thermal world, the data of the excavations and interventions carried out in the building and unifies them by means of computational simulations in order to understand the optimal operating protocols of one of the most technological constructions in our history, the major baths of Mura.

Keywords: Roman; thermal; bath; functionality.