
La Granja de Sinyent:  A Medieval Architecture Surrounded by Enigmas

Server Llorca, Paula

Màster Oficial en Conservació del Patrimoni Arquitectònic, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.



“La Granja de Sinyent”, located in the municipality of Polinya del Xúquer, on the right bank of the Xuquer River, is one of the unique examples of gothic civic and not defensive architecture that there’s left in the Valencian Region. Placed in a strategic location, right next to the old road between Alzira and Cullera, it was built at the beginning of the XIV century on top of previous constructions’ ruins, with the current gothic style, which nowadays has been very transformed. The actual building presents a terrible state of conservation mostly stopped by the latest stabilization measures of the main body. The origin of “La Granja” is quite uncertain and lays out several enigmas. There’s evidence that in 1248, with Jaume I’s conquest, in this place known as “lloch de Sinyent” there was a building. A few years later, in 1328, the property was given to the Monastery of Tavernes de la Valldigna that installed here one of their farming exploitation known as La Granja de Sinyent (The Sinyent’s Farm).

Keywords:Heritage; medieval architecture; extinct typologies; Sinyent.